We will post more. We want to post more. We need to post more.
I am posting tonight as Julie is next door scrapbooking (at least that is where she says she is). I am committing us to write more often in this space not only for our friends, family and new 1p36 extended family... but
Well... no more excuses. We need to be sharing the joys we have with Lily with everyone. She deserves it. We deserve it. Thus... from now on, you will see more posts! And more pictures of Lily cakes.
(Pretty easy for me to commit not only myself to writing more but commit Julie as well huh!? Well... that's what happens when you leave me alone with all 4 kids for your scrapbooking! Take that!)
We have a lot of ground to cover to catch-up on all the amazing things that have occurred with Lily and in our lives since our initial posts. We had Lily's first birthday, her first swim in the pool, the amazing progress she is making with her PT, OT, RD and ST, her new sunglasses, her chewing on pretzel sticks... and so much more.
They might be short in length, but they will be long in meaning and love. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we will enjoy writing them.
Julie and old what's-his-name,
I am so glad that you are using this tool: for you and for us. I continue to pray for all of you as I know God blesses you every day. Know you are loved. Scott
Hey I just found your blog spot from Nate Hanson's link and have been really touched by your story and family. She is so adorable. What a journey you have made thus far. My daughter, Taylor Gillins with 1p36 just turned 5 years old last week. It does get easier as they accomplish more physical triumphs. It takes time but they are so rewarding. I don't have just a 1p36 blog I have a family blog but you are more than welcome to view it, my Taylor is on their quit a bit. It is: alwaysachucklewiththree.blogspot.com you can email if you would like to at jjgillins@msn.com I am also on the yahoo group. I will get on and read your file their too. I look forward to following your blog. Thanks for posting. Jenny G.
Hi Julie and Jason,
Thanks for visiting my blog. I have just read through your and it has brought a tear to my eye. We were so lucky getting Sam's diagnosis so early. Like you said it gives you a roadmap even if it is not what you had in mind. Your little girl is gorgeous and I can see a simularity to Sam. I'm looking forward to reading the next instalment. I am off to ass you to my list.
Jenny (1p36sam.blogspot.com)
Lily is my granddaughter and she is a delight! It takes her much longer to do many things, so things like having her look directly at me are precious. And I love to see her rare but wonderful smiles. She is such a fighter. She has had so many infections and other things, and she is growing and thriving despite all these challenges. We love her with all our hearts. Nana Cherryl
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