This past Tuesday morning, after a week and a half of Lily refusing to walk at all, she proceeded to the basement and cruised all over the place in her walker with PT Amy. We were so thrilled!
Check out the quick video clips below.
An Amazing Summer!
2 years ago
You GO little Lily !!!!
Hip, Hip, Hurrah !!!
Lily IS going to be a walker !!!!
Love, Nana Cherryl
Congratulations! Both Nate and I were clapping and cheering! We are so excited for you! It looks like Lily and Whitney have the same walker! It's a great one too! Congratulations again! YEAH!!!!
Way to go Lily! That is so AWESOME to see her walking and she's doing such a good job. She will be walking without support in no time. What a big girl! Thanks for inspiring us by sharing this video. We have hope that Kaylee can do this too. What a great way to start the new year!
God bless,
Sherry Culvahouse (mom of Kaylee 17mo/1p36 & Allison 5 yrs)
OK make me cry. That is so awsome!!!!
YEAH!!!! That is soooo awesome! I just got the chance to watch both videos and oh, I'm crying. Tears of happiness for Lily and you guys. She is so amazing. Thank you for sharing this. It gives many of us so much hope! Happy New Year to all of you guys. P.S. I think Lily and Alayna have the same wardrobe!
Lily is the bomb!
We've told all our friends who always ask about her latest progress. Everyone is blessed by seeing how well she is doing. Love it!
Love and long distance hugs to all of you.
Nana Joanne and Papa Rick
We have a 13 yo son with 1p36 chromosome del. In your blog I read that your daughter wakes frequently in the night.
Please check and see if she has reflux!
It has taken us 11 years to realize that our son has REFLUX, and that is the crux of most of his social and behavioral problems. He has sever halitosis, he drooled, and would constantly suck or chew on his hands. We thought that all of those things were part of the chromosome deletion, until we started seeing blood in his vomit. We took him to a gastroenterologist, and they suggested that we do a nissin procedure to stop all vomiting and keep the stomach acid in his stomach and not in his esophagus. After a second opinion we decided against the surgery for many reasons, but we have him on a heavy dose of antacids, this has helped so much. He is sleeping through the night, not drooling, and his halitosis is almost non existent.
I just want someone to get some benefit out of our mistake. Bless her little heart, if it is reflux.
God bless and I hope this helps! - Cassie
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